Peakhurst Extra TV Points

0491 873 973

TV Magic Peakhurst - TV points, antenna's, home theatre and more!

Hi there, are you a resident of Peakhurst or surrounding areas? Are you wanting to start enjoying your TV entertainment in areas of your home other than your living room? Often when we move into new homes there are never enough TV points and this day in age, not many people have only one TV, so being able to use all of your TV's is tough if there aren't TV points where you need them!

My name is Keith and I'm your local digital TV and home entertainment specialist. I have a wide range of audio visual services including TV point installation, which help to make your home entertainment experience in your Peakhurst home a whole lot more enjoyable and user-friendly. 

With TV Magic Peakhurst providing you with your extra TV points you will be able to enjoy your TV entertainment exactly how you want to! You won't be limited to where you can have your extra TV points installed, or how many you can have! Some popular places my local customers like to have extra TV points include areas such as all bedrooms, home office or study, the beloved man cave, out on the patio, above the fireplace, pool-yard or BBQ area and some people even have them installed in the bathroom so they never miss their favourite TV shows, even while they bathe!

It often pays to future plan when it comes to having extra TV points installed as it's much more cost effective to have multiple installed at the same time, and you'll never be stuck if you decide to rearrange your home or purchase additional TV's.

So if you want your extra TV points installed in all the right places, and have them at the drop of a hat, simply call TV Magic Peakhurst!

Call Keith today!

0491 873 973

TV Point Installation - As many as you want, anywhere you want!

It's quite 'normal' to share a home..
but not share the same interest in entertainment!

We can usually come out at the drop of a hat!

My Services and Service Areas 


Servicing Peakhurst & Surrounding Areas 

0491 873 973