Carseldine TV antennas, TV reception Repair
“I can get all the channels except for one – clearly it’s something to do with the television, so I need it repaired!”- Is what Dean said, who resides in Carseldine, Brisbane and was experiencing TV reception troubles.
The number of times that we hear this statement is amazing. Or some customers automatically think that as soon as their picture breaks up slightly, that they need to go down the route of getting a new Television Antenna. However, we are here to say – slow down! I will come to Carseldine and North Brisbane suburbs for a free call out to see what you really need!
A poor television reception can be the result of a large range of factors, and is certainly not normally due to any fault with the television itself. And in a large number of cases the antenna itself is also not normally the main problem with a poor television signal.
To get a little technical, all TV channels in Carseldine come from Mt Cootha in Brisbane. Each television station broadcasts on a different frequency and if part of your television system (be it the antenna, cables, splitters, wallplates, etc.) are damaged in any way, or even have some rust on their components, they may be creating “resistance” to the signal getting through. This “resistance” could be affecting a small or large frequency range, and if your television stations broadcast frequency falls within this affected range then that channel will be affected. So the problem might be just one channel or it could be all of them!
Experience TV reception issues in Carseldine? Before you do anything...
Before you rush off to spend money on a new antenna for your Carseldine home or business, new cables or even worse a new Television – give TV Magic a call. Our highly trained technicians will come to your and using our sophisticated digital signal meter, we can very quickly ascertain where the problem, or problems, lie with a high degree of accuracy. Once we know where the television reception problem is being caused we can then advise you what needs to be replaced immediately, or in the short to medium term.
Remember – you don’t have to suffer through a poor television reception when TV Magic is just a phone call away. Local Carseldine Technician - Matt 0488 870 873