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Darren Larsen

0449 747 376

Darren's Bio

  • Born: Te Ahora, NZ
  • Year Started TV Magic: 2023
  • Mob. 0449 747 376
  • Fav TV Snack: A nice glass of wine with a cheese board/dips
  • Fav TV Show / Movie: Top Gun

An Interview with Darren by Beth O, 2023

Beth: "Hi Darren! Welcome to the team! so this won't take long. First question, what did you do before TV Magic?"

Darren: "I had a background in IT and also digital LED signage for big brands like KFC"

Beth: "Next, my favourite of all questions to ask. Darren, what is the most awkward customer experience you've ever had?"

Darren: "Thankfully I havn't had an awkward customer experience since working with TV Magic. They've all been pleasant so far"

Beth: "Lucky for you. Give it some time! So what is your favourite job to do? "

Darren: "I prefer doing jobs that involve technical skills.. but I'm about to get my CCTV license; so I look forward to doing CCTV jobs"

Beth: "Awesome. What's the biggest tip you've received from a customer? "

Darren: "I actually received a $50 tip from a customer on Saturday. I said no at first but they insisted I take it and kept saying that I'd done a good job and that I should go buy a nice bottle of wine for my wife"

Beth: "What a nice customer. Darren, what's your fav. place on earth? "

Darren: "That's a hard one as I've been to lots of amazing places. I would have to say the south island of New Zealand"

Beth: "What do you do for fun / hobbies? "

Darren: " I like going to the gym and keeping fit. I normally go 6 days a week. Other than that, my wife and I go for walks with our dog and eating out at nice restaurants"

Beth: "Got 1x fav quote / saying or phrase for me? "

Darren: "Happy wife! Happy life! I think that's a wise quote!"

Beth: "I think so! And.. what's one thing that not many people know about you? "

Darren: "Hmm. .I can't think of anything off the top of my head.. maybe that I've been to the ice lakes in Northern China was only 700km off the Russian border"