Turn your Fridge TV into Digital!
Call 1800 TV Magic
From $150 we can turn your old TV fridge or fridge with a built in analogue Television to digital. You will be able to use that TV to watch all the Australian free to air channels and all 26/27 digital TV channels.
Even if your built in TV fridge does not have an AV input - we have a few tricks up our sleeve :) .
Call TV Magic or make a booking and we will convert your analogue TV fridge to a digital TV fridge!
TV Fridge - Watch Digital TV on your Fridge TV
Suppose you had bought one of these fridges some years ago when they first started coming out. They were admittedly not:- too, crash hot. One of the main reasons was because they came with a analog TV that 'tuned' into snowy TV channels if you had bad TV reception. Another reason was the screen was a low resolution and good old square (4:3) format. This was just at the pinnacle of the Digital TV announcement but still, the TV could have had a better quality screen!
Digital TV is nearly 15 years old now in Australia and really, they should have come with built in digital TV's not analog!
You may find some of your TV fridge's do not have an AV input to simple plug in a set top box to turn it to digital. That's where we come in. If you would like us to come and do this for you or to send you the materials so that you can do it yourself just contact us or make a booking.